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>> Zhang Jian - Jun
Gong Yan

1977born in Shanghai
2000Graduated from "School of Fine Arts" Shanghai University, BA degree, Majored in Chinese Painting, Shanghai, China
2001Selected by Government of France to go to Paris
2001Selected by "L'Ecole National Superieur des Beaux-Arts", Paris
2004Graduated from "L'Ecole Nationale Superieur des Beaux-Arts" France

lives and works in Shanghai and Paris

2003First Prize of drawing at the Institut de France (l'Academie Francais)
2005Grand prix of "Shanghai Grand Art Exhibition"

Exhibitions (selected)
200424th "Auvers-sur-Oise Art Festival"
Exhibition at the Castle of Auvers-sur-Oise, France.
2003Participate Shanghai Biennale
2002"Exhibition of Abstract Paintings" LiuHaiSu Museum, Shanghai, China
2002Galerie Jerale de Montleau, Paris, France (Solo)
2001"Shanghai Grand Exhibition of the Young Artist"
"Meng Guang" Award LiuHaiSu Museum, Shanghai, China
2001"Shanghai International Art Fair", Exhibition Centre, Shanghai China
1999"Shanghai Grand Exhibition of the Young Artist"
"Meng Guang" Award Museum of LiuHaiSu, Shanghai, China

2004Work "Soundscape" selected by government of Shanghai
presented to President Jacque Chirac
2004One painting collected by Pernod Ricard, France
1999Three painings collected by Shanghai Grand Theatre

Other Activities
2003Curator of Exhibition "ICI-I Contre I: Young Chinese artistes in France" at the Cultural Centre of China in Paris
2001Journalist of two contemporary art magazines in Shanghai
"Art World" and "China Art", in charge of the section Europe

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Rolf A. Kluenter

1956born in Buervenich near Cologne, Germany
1976-82Kunstakademie (Academy of Fine Arts), Duesseldorf, Germany
1982Meisterschueler of Professor Erich Reusch
1988-94Lecturer, Tribhuvan University, Campus of Fine Arts, Nepal

Lives in Shanghai, China
Ateliers in Shanghai (China), Katmandu (Nepal), Cologne (Germany)

Solo Exhibitions (selected)
2006transit east, RWE Power AG, Cologne, Germany
2005black box, Gallery Cornelissen, Wiesbaden, Germany
entering the labyrinth, Gallery Van der Straeten, Amsterdam, NL
2004secret room, National Gallery, Bangkok, Thailand
the back room, Art Scene Warehouse, Shanghai, China
2003in search of secret rooms,Gallery Bastiaans, Boxmeer, NL
traumRaum, Gallery Wuebbelt, Solingen, Germany
2002black paper, Alp Galleries, New York, NY, USA
soft core, China Millenium Monument Museum, Beijing, China
2001rake's progress, German House Gallery, New York, USA
transit eight, Cornelissen Gallery, Wiesbaden, German
A-worldwide, Haus Rhode, Koenigslutter, Germany
skywalker, Booz, Allen, Hamilton, Munich, Germany
2000yellow dragon rising, Hoke Gallery, Shanghai, China
the unfinished love, Xintiandi Gallery, China
unaccountable objects, The Saraf Collection, Nepal
rapture in transit, German House Gallery, New York, USA
Gallery Bastiaans, Boxmeer, The Netherlands
The Loft Gallery, Phuket, Thailand
1999Pondering-Pulsating, Liu Hai Su Museum, Shanghai, China
Rahu, Linden Museum, Stuttgart, Germany
Art Network International, Chicago, USA
Gallery Meta Weber, Krefeld, Germany
1998Staedtische Galerie im Rathhauspark, Gladbeck, Germany
Gallery Bastiaans, Boxmeer, The Netherlands
Gallery Cornelissen, Wiesbaden, Germany
KunstSalon, Cologne, Germany
Transfer International, Berlin, Germany
Schloss Kosakenberg, Eltville, Germany
Orangerie, Bruehl, Germany
Neues Theater Hoechst, Frankfurt-Hoechst, Germany
Reiyukai, Intl Research Institute, Lumbini, Nepal
1997The Fifth Seal, The Saraf Collection, Nepal (catalog)
Gallery Wuebbelt, Solingen, Germany
Art Network International, Chicago, USA
Gallery Herve Thiers, Antwerp, Belgium
1995Gallery Baerbel Wienecke, Cologne, Germany
1994Gallery Die Schneiderei, Colgne, Germany
1993Gallery Bastiaans, Boxmeer, The Netherlands
1992Gallery Baerbel Wienecke, Cologne, Germany
Gallery Herve Thiers, Antwerp, Belgium
1991Gallery Inexistent, Antwerp, Belgium
1990Gallery Inexistent, Antwerp, Belgium
1988Gallery Inexistent, Antwerp, Belgium
Gallery Bastiaans, Boxmeer, The Netherlands
1987Paper, South East Asia Institute Heidelberg Nepal Branch, Germany
1984Goethe Institute, Kathmandu, Nepal

Group Shows (selected)
2006Holland Paper Biennial, Rijswijk Museum, The Hague, The Netherlands
VW Haus Rhode, Koenigslutter-Rhode
Tao Gallery, Mumbai, India
Visual Art Gallery, New Delhi, India
Hai Shang Shan Art Center, Shanghai, China
2005Reed & Savage, Miami, Florida, USA
Melting Identities, Gallery Van der Straeten, Amsterdam, NL
Refuse to Die, Propeller Center for the Visual Arts, Toronto, Canada
Written in Water-Girke Kluenter Li, Ming Yuan Art Center, Shanghai,China
2004Past as Present, Art Scene Warehouse, Shanghai, China
Shanghai Abstract, Ming Yuan Art Center, Shanghai, China
Cohesion, Art Scene Warehouse, Shanghai, China
2003Shanghai Spring Art Salon, China
Museum Zuelpich, Germany
2002Field of Vision, Si Fang Art Center, Beijing China
Dialog in Progress, Guaweb Gallery, Beijing, China
Abstract Art-New Century, Liu Hai Su Museum, Shanghai, China
Achrochage, Gallery Cornelissen, Wiesbaden, Germany
2001Dialog, Xintiandi Gallery, Shanghai, China
Made in Nepal, Nepal Art Council Gallery, Kathmandu, Nepal
Gallery Cornelissen, Wiesbaden, Germany
Gallery Chateau Vuillierens, Lausanne, Switzerland
Dialog II, German Centre, Shanghai, China
Multiples, Bastiaans Gallery, Boxmer, Die Niederlande
Back Home, Bastiaans Gallery, Boxmer, Die Niederlande
2000Van der Straeten Gallery, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Time of The Buddhas, Linden Museum, Stuttgart, Germany
'99 Art Show, Exhibition Centre, Shanghai, China
Exhibition Surprise II, Gallery Cornelissen, Wiesbaden, Germany
1998Oddiyana Centre and Gallery, Melbourne, Australia
1997Exhibition Surprise I, Gallery Cornelissen, Wiesbaden, Germany
1996Gallery Bastiaans, Boxmeer, The Netherlands
1995Achrochage, Gallery Herve Thiers, Antwerp, Belgium
1994Paper, Goethe Institute, Kathmandu, Nepal
1993Works on Paper, Gallery Baerbel Wieneke, Cologne, Germany
Gallery Herve Thiers, Antwerp, Belgium
199255 in 5, Gallery Bastiaans, Boxmeer, The Netherlands
1989German Artist in Nepal, German Embassy, Nepal
1980perspektiven 2, Kunsthalle Duesseldorf, Germany
Winter Exhibition, Kunstakademie Duesseldorf, Germany

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Paul Schwer

1951geb. in Hornberg/ Schwarzwald
Medizinstudium, Arbeit als Arzt in der Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie bis 1993
1981-88Studium Freie Kunst an der Kunstakademie Dsseldorf
1986Meisterschler Prof. Erwin Heerich
1984Grndung und Leitung des UNART- Projektes (u.a. Kunstfondsstipendium zur Erweiterung knstlerischer Arbeitsfelder)
1985Lehrauftrag a.d. Kunstakademie Dsseldorf, Abteilung Mnster
1992/93Lehrauftrag a.d. Hochschule fr Bildende Kunst Saar, Saarbrcken
1995Cit des Arts, Paris
Internationales Malereisymposium, Piran, Slowenien
1999Lademoen Kunstnerverksteder, Trondheim Norwegen
2004Lehrauftrag a.d. KFH/ IAF Freiburg ,Wien
Gastprofessur Sommerakademie Pentiment, Hamburg
2004/05Bremerhaven Stipendium
2005 Vorschlagsliste Professur fr die Leitung einer Grundklasse, Kunstkademie Stuttgart
2005/06Artist in Residence, Shanghai, Degussa - China

Einzelausstellungen seit 1991 (Auswahl):
1991Stdt. Galerie Meerbusch
1992E- Werk, Hallen fr Kunst, Freiburg
1993"Farbraum" in "Schichtwechsel", Geblsehalle der Vlklinger Htte-Hochschule fr Bildende Kunst Saar, Saarbrcken
1994Stdtische Galerie Donaueschingen
Museum Katharinenhof Kranenburg
Regionalmuseum Xanten
Kunstverein Oberhausen Schlo Oberhausen
1995 Galerie Pudelko Bonn, auch 1998, 2001, 2005
Galerie Rainer Wehr Stuttgart
1996Kunstverein Region Heinsberg
Brhler Kunstverein, Orangerie Schlo Augustusburg, Brhl
Le Botanique, Brssel, in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Goethe- Institut
1997Stdtische Galerie im Rathauspark, Gladbeck
Galerie Willy d`Huysser, Brssel, auch 2000
1998Niederrheinischer Kunstverein Wesel
Siemens Kulturprogramm Feldafing
Muse du Chteau des Rohan, Saverne
1999Museum Gelsenkirchen
Kunstverein Wilhelmshhe Ettlingen, mit Bernd Mechler
Christianssands Kunstforening Kristiansand / Goethe - Institut Oslo
2000Kunsthaus Essen
Kunstverein / Kunsthalle Bremerhaven
"Here we change", Stdt. Galerie Gladbeck, mit Wilhelm Mundt
2001Kulturforum Alte Post Neuss
Konsthallen Trollhttan/ Goethe- Institut Gteborg
Galerie Schtte, Essen
Gothaer Kunstforum, Kln
2002Kuntverein Aichach
Kunstverein Krefeld
ART Frankfurt, Einzelprsentation Galerie Schtte
Landesvertretung NRW in Brssel, mit Bert de Beul
"See through colors", Museum Katharinenhof Kranenburg, mit Jerry Zeniuk
"Affiches mtaphoriques", Goethe - Institut Paris
2003"Farbverkehr",Brckenturm, Galerie der Stadt Mainz
"Bauland", Kunstverein Siegen im Museum fr Gegenwartskunst
"Farbflchen", Palais fr Aktuelle Kunst, Kunstverein Glckstadt
2004 " Blast", Bildperformance Kunstverein Hannover
"Crossways", Stdt. Galerie "Die Fhre", Bad Saulgau
"Treat yourself", Kunstverein Recklinghausen
Museum Morsbroich Leverkusen
"Baozis und Boards", Galerie Bugdahn und Kaimer, Dsseldorf
Kunstmuseum "Alte Post", Mlheim a.d. Ruhr
2005Galerie Pfefferle, Mnchen, mit Franziska Kneidl
"Freier Elbblick Nr. 47, Projektraum Hamburg
Heidelberger Kunstverein
"Blast", Bildperformance Kunstverein Ettlingen
Kunsthalle Bremerhaven
Allgemeiner Konsumverein Braunschweig

Gruppenausstellungen seit 1992 (Auswahl)
1992"Tier und Mensch - von Baselitz bis Vostell", Museum Gelsenkirchen
1993"Zwischenzeit- Malerei", Malkasten Dsseldorf
"Waldeslust", Galerie Rainer Wehr, Stuttgart
1995"Nichts als Farbe", Kulturbahnhof Eller, Dsseldorf
Projekt Keleia, Muzej novejse zgodovine, Celje, Slowenien
1996Bergischer Kunstpreis, Solingen
"Sammeln ist wie Tagebuchfhren", Galerie Rainer Wehr, Stuttgart
1997Museum Schlo Moyland
"Dreht Euch nicht um" ( mit W. Haypeter u. W. Nestler), Rheinisches
Landesmuseum Bonn
Klasse Heerich, Wilhelm Lehmbruck Museum Duisburg
1998Arbeiten auf Papier - 150 Jahre Malkasten, Deutsche Bank Dsseldorf"
1999"Landschaft", Sammlung Murken, Suermondt - Ludwig Museum Aachen
2000"Here we go" Maschinenhalle Zweckel / Stdt. Galerie Gladbeck
2001"Potpourri V", Kunstverein Bremerhaven
Museum Baden, Kunstverein Solingen
2002"Petit lait", Installation auf den Donaueschinger Musiktagen
2003"Mal doch mal ein Auto", Garage Oberhausen, Galerie Tedden, Dsseldorf
Regionale Donaueschingen
International Sculpture and Envirement Art, Shanghai
Spring Art Salon, Shanghai
"Ab in die Mitte" - Michelstadt, in Zusammenarbeit mit der Kunsthalle Darmstadt
Grner Salon, Galerie da entlang, Dortmund
2004Bergischer Kunstpreis, Museum Baden, Solingen
"Specific sites" - fliessende Rume, spezifische Orte
Stdtische Galerie Bblingen
"Vanitas", IKOB, Eupen (Belgien)
"la dolce vita", Galerie Klaus Ebbers, Kranenburg
2005Regionale Donaueschingen
"Broken glass", Glaspaleis, Heerlen, NL
"Sommergste", Galerie Bugdahn und Kaimer, Dsseldorf
"account", Galerie Klaus Ebbers, Kranenburg

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Zhang Jian-Jun

1955born Shanghai, People's Republic of China

1978Fine Arts Department, Shanghai Drama Institute, China

1997Present - Adjunct Professor, Fine Arts Department, New York University
2005Member, Artistic Advisory Committee, Sixth Shanghai Biennale, Shanghai Art Museum, China
2000Participant, International Curatorial Workshop, Museum of Modern Art, New York
2000Member, Artistic Advisory Committee, Third Shanghai Biennale, Shanghai Art Museum, China
1996Member, Artistic Advisory Committee, First Shanghai Biennale, Shanghai Art Museum, China
1995-2002Curatorial Advisor, Shanghai Art Museum, China
1987-89Assistant Director, Shanghai Art Museum, China
1986-89Director of the Curatorial and Art Research Department, Shanghai Art Museum, China
1978-79 Lecturer, Graduate School of Fine Arts, China National Artists Association, Shanghai Branch, China

1997The New York Foundation for the Arts, Sculpture
The Connemara Conservancy, Dallas, Texas
1994The Djerassi Foundation, Resident Artist Program, California, The Gustavo Nicolich Fellowship and Permanent Collection
1987-88Asian Cultural Council, The Rockefeller Foundation, U.S.A., (To create artwork in the United States, and to survey contemporary art.)

2002The Annie Wong Foundation, Hong Kong
1996The Pollock-Krasner Foundation, New York, U.S.A.
1995Art Matters Inc., New York, U.S.A.
1990The Pollock-Krasner Foundation, New York, U.S.A.
1986First Prize, The Shanghai Young Artist's Exhibition, China
Second Prize, Shanghai Art Museum, Ministry of Culture, China
1985Third Prize, The Shanghai Art Exhibition, Shanghai Art Museum, Ministry of Culture, China

JP Morgan, Hong Kong
International Artists Museum, Lodz, Poland
Shanghai Art Museum, China
Shenzhen Art Institute, Shenzhen, China
Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou, China
Dow Jones Company, New Jersey, U.S.A.
Djerassi Foundation Collection, California, U.S.A.
Frederick R. Weisman Foundation of Art, California, U.S.A.
A number of works in private collections in USA, Belgium, China, England, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Taiwan

2005"Vestiges of a Process", Asian American Art Centre, New York, New York, U.S.A.
"Garden of Wishing Trees", Maiden Lane Exhibition Space, New York, New York, U.S.A.
2004"Vestiges of a Process: Chelsea Chapter", DTW Gallery, New York, New York, U.S.A.
2003"Mountain & River", Art Projects International Gallery, New York, New York, U.S.A.
2002"Sumi-Ink Garden of Recreation", He Xiangning Art Museum, Shenzhen, China
"Vestiges of a Process: Guangzhou Chapter", Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou, China
"China Chapter", Museum of the Shenzhen Art Institute, Shenzhen, China
2001 Art Projects International, New York, New York, U.S.A.
1997"Footprint", Gallerie Deux, Tokyo, Japan
1995Art Projects International Gallery, New York, New York, U.S.A.
1994"The Paradox of the Fish", Gallery Contempo, New York, New York, U.S.A.
1989 Nerlino Gallery, New York, New York, U.S.A.
1988 Key Gallery, Illinois, U.S.A.
Harvard University, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
1987Shanghai Art Museum, China

2005"Flowing River: 30 Years of Chinese Oil Painting", National Art Museum, Beijing, China
"100 Years of Chinese Sculpture", Shanghai Sculpture Space, Shanghai, China
"1st International Sculpture Biennale", Xu Jia Hui Park, Shanghai, China
"Black+White", Shanghai Art Museum, Shanghai, China
"Regards to '85", Duolun Art Museum, Shanghai, China
"Replacement", Cathay Gallery, Beijing, China
"Poles Apart Poles Together: Markers V", Venice Biennale, Venice, Italy
"Anniversary Show", Beijing Film Institute, Beijing, China
2004"The Fourth Shenzhen International Sumi-Ink Biennale", Shenzhen, China
Shanghai Abstract Survey - 50 Years", Ming Yuan Art Center, Shanghai, China
"10/20", Lui Hai Su Art Museum, Shanghai, China
"A Grain of Dust A Drop of Water", The 5th Gwangju Biennale, Gwangju, Korea
"On the Edge", Ethan Cohen Fine Arts, New York, New York, U.S.A.
2003"10-Year Anniversary", Art Projects International Gallery, New York, New York, U.S.A.
New York University Gallery, New York, New York, U.S.A.
"Brushworks: New Asian Calligraphy", Andrew Bae Gallery, Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.
"Mountain & River", Barbara Davis Gallery, Houston, Texas, U.S.A.
Diverseworks Art Center, Houston, Texas, U.S.A.
"5=1", L.A. Artcore Gallery, Los Angeles, California, U.S.A.
2002"Urban Creation", The Fourth Shanghai Biennale, Shanghai Art Museum, Shanghai, China
"Guangzhou Triennial", Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou, China
"East + West", Kunstlerhaus, Vienna, Austria
"China Triennial", Metropolitan Museum of Guangzhou, Guangzhou, China
"Markers II", EAM Gallery, Kassel, Germany
"Variations of Ink", Chambers Fine Art, New York, New York, U.S.A.
"Contemporary Brush Strokes", China 2000 Gallery, New York, New York, U.S.A.
"Making China", Ethan Cohen Fine Arts, New York, New York, U.S.A.
2001"1st Chengdu Biennial", Chengdu, China
"Markers", Venice Biennale, Venice, Italy
"Metaphysics and Reality", Shanghai Art Museum, Shanghai, China
"Milestones for Peace", Weill Art Gallery, New York, New York, U.S.A.
2000"DMZ_2000", Korean Gallery, New York, U.S.A.
"Construction in Process VII: This Earth is a Flower", The International Artists' Museum, Lodz, Poland
"Cow Parade", New York, New York, U.S.A.
"Milestones for Peace", Jerusalem Art Festival, Jerusalem, Israel
"Conceptual Ink", Ethan Cohen Fine Arts, New York, New York, U.S.A.
"The International Artists' Museum in New York", 83 Mercer Street Gallery, New York, New York, U.S.A.
1999"Wrap the World", The Kitchen, New York, New York, U.S.A.
"Transience: Chinese Experimental Art at the End of the Twentieth Century", Smart Museum of Art, Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.
"Language", Ethan Cohen Fine Art, New York, New York, U.S.A.
1998Observatoire 4 Galerie, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
"Chinese Artists Working in New York", Purdue University Gallery, Indiana, U.S.A.
1997"Basic Elements", Art Beatus Gallery, Vancouver, B.C., Canada
"Bank: Inside the Counting Room", Lower Manhattan Cultural Council, New York, New York, U.S.A.
Art Projects International Gallery, New York, New York, U.S.A.
"Sculpture 1997", Connemara Conservancy Sculpture Park, Dallas, Texas
1996"Open Space", Shanghai Art Museum Biennial, China
Pennsylvania University Art Museum, U.S.A.
"Eastern Fusion: Contemporary Asian American Art in New York", Hillwood Art Museum, New York, U.S.A.
1995Grosse Kunstausstelung, Dusselsorf, Germany
"Peace, Earth, Healing", Hiroshima, Japan
1993"Construction in Process #4", The Artists' Museum, Lodz, Poland
"93NY50", Socrates Sculpture Park, Long Island City, New York, U.S.A.
1992Ruine der Kunst, Berlin, Germany
"Conversations", The Artists' Museum, Lodz, Poland
"Workspace '92", Jamaica Arts Center, New York, New York, U.S.A.
City University of New York, New York, U.S.A.
Natural History Museum, New York, New York, U.S.A.
Miami Art International Festival, Florida, U.S.A.
1991San Diego State University Gallery, California, U.S.A.
"Annual", Asian American Art Center, New York, New York, U.S.A.
1990East West Contemporary Inc. Gallery, Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.
Exhibition Space Gallery, New York, New York, U.S.A.
1989Nerlino Gallery, New York, New York, U.S.A.
Tokyo Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
Han Art Gallery, Hong Kong
"China/Avant Garde", China National Art Gallery, Beijing, China
Han Art Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
1988Performance, Shanghai Art Museum, China
Art West/Art East Gallery, Hamburg, Germany
Art Waves Gallery, New York, New York, U.S.A.
Art Museum of Nanjing, China
"Annual" Shanghai Art Museum, China
1987Hong Kong Art Centre, Hong Kong
Alisan Gallery, Hong Kong
Pacific Asia Museum, Pasadena, California, U.S.A.
1986Tokyo Municipal Museum, Tokyo, Japan
"Annual" Shanghai Art Museum, China
4 group exhibitions, Shanghai Art Museum, China
1985"Annual" Shanghai Art Museum, China
Shanghai Drama Institute Gallery, China
1983Fudan University Gallery, Shanghai, China
1982"Annual" Shanghai Art Museum, China
1981"Annual" Shanghai Art Museum, China
1980Shanghai Art Museum, China
1979"Annual" Shanghai Art Museum, China

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